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Retrieve Guest VM Network Information From XenServer 6.5 with Powershell

Alvin Adorno




I just want to leave this script here that maybe help others. Recently we have to retrieve all the NIC MAC Address from all our guest VM and their guest OS IP. To solve this tedious task I write this simple code that could evolve in something more robust if someone tweak the code.


As is the code retrieve the following from the VM:

  1. VM UUID
  2. VM Name
  3. VM Description
  4. # of CPU
  5. Memory in Bytes
  6. VM Power State
  7. Is Template
  8. NIC ID (The number of the NIC device)
  9. Network Name (Attached to the NIC)
  10. NIC MAC Address
  11. NIC VLAN (From the Network Attached)
  12. NIC IP (From the Guest OS)

I run this code on multiple XenServer 6.5 & 6.0 using the XenServer 6.5 SDK without issues. The only thing that I notice is that on XS6.0 the VLAN data can not be read. Also the XenTools must be installed to retrieve the OS IP address. 


Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

-----------Script Start------------------


Import-Module XenServerPSModule
Connect-XenServer -Url https://10.20.10.xx -UserName serveruser -Password serverpassword
$vms = get-xenvm | Where-Object {$_.is_a_template -ne "False" -and $_.is_control_domain -ne "False"} #get all vms

function New-XenVMInfo
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Name = ''
UUID = ''
CPUCount = ''
Description = ''
IsTemplate = ''
MemoryStaticMax =''
PowerState = ''
NICID = ''
NICNetworkName = ''
NICIP = ''


$xenVMs = @()

foreach ($vm in $vms){
$gm = Get-XenVMProperty -VM $vm -XenProperty GuestMetrics
if ($vm.VIFs.Count -gt 1)
for ($i=0; $i -lt $vm.VIFs.Count;$i++)
$xenVM = New-XenVMInfo
$xenVM.Name = $vm.name_label
$xenVM.PowerState = $vm.power_state
$xenVM.UUID = $vm.uuid
$xenVM.Description = $vm.name_description
$xenVM.IsTemplate = $vm.is_a_template
$xenVM.MemoryStaticMax = $vm.memory_static_max
$xenVM.CPUCount = $vm.vcpus_max
$vif = Get-XenVIF -Ref $vm.VIFs[$i]
$net = Get-XenNetwork -Ref $vif.network
$xenVM.NICNetworkName = $net.name_label
$pif = Get-XenPIF -Ref $net.PIFs[0]
$xenVM.NICVLAN = $pif.VLAN
$xenVM.NICMAC = $vif.MAC
$xenVM.NICID = $vif.device
$xenVM.NICIP = ($gm.networks)[ $vif.device + "/ip"]
$xenVMs += $xenVM
elseif ($vm.VIFs.Count -eq 1)

$xenVM = New-XenVMInfo
$xenVM.Name = $vm.name_label
$xenVM.PowerState = $vm.power_state
$xenVM.UUID = $vm.uuid
$xenVM.Description = $vm.name_description
$xenVM.IsTemplate = $vm.is_a_template
$xenVM.MemoryStaticMax = $vm.memory_static_max
$xenVM.CPUCount = $vm.vcpus_max
$vif = Get-XenVIF -Ref $vm.VIFs[0]
$net = Get-XenNetwork -Ref $vif.network
$xenVM.NICNetworkName = $net.name_label
$pif = Get-XenPIF -Ref $net.PIFs[0]
$xenVM.NICVLAN = $pif.VLAN
$xenVM.NICMAC = $vif.MAC
$xenVM.NICID = $vif.device
$xenVM.NICIP = ($gm.networks)[ $vif.device + "/ip"]
$xenVMs += $xenVM

$xenVM = New-XenVMInfo
$xenVM.Name = $vm.name_label
$xenVM.PowerState = $vm.power_state
$xenVM.UUID = $vm.uuid
$xenVM.Description = $vm.name_description
$xenVM.IsTemplate = $vm.is_a_template
$xenVM.MemoryStaticMax = $vm.memory_static_max
$xenVM.CPUCount = $vm.vcpus_max
$xenVM.NICID = 'No NIC Attached'
$xenVM.NICNetworkName = 'No NIC Attached'
$xenVM.NICVLAN = 'No NIC Attached'
$xenVM.NICMAC = 'No NIC Attached'
$xenVM.NICIP = 'No IP Available'
$xenVMs += $xenVM

$xenVMs | Export-Csv -Path c:\NetworkInfo.csv



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2 answers to this question

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Hi Alvin,


nice work!


just some thoughts for additions...


instead of: Connect-XenServer -Url https://10.20.10.xx -UserName serveruser -Password serverpassword


I prefer: Connect-XenServer -Url https://10.20.10.xx -Creds $creds


this allows to use: $creds = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Credentials for Xenserver Logon..."  at the beginning of the script


which asks interactively for logon credentials and stores user's input encrypted in memory --> more secure and no need to include readable credentials in the script.




I added code to retrieve the Xenserver Hostname that the VMs are running on:


function New-XenVMInfo
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Name = ''
UUID = ''
CPUCount = ''
Description = ''
IsTemplate = ''
MemoryStaticMax =''
PowerState = ''
NICID = ''
NICNetworkName = ''
NICIP = ''



and added the following line (bold face) in all places after the UUID line:


  for ($i=0; $i -lt $vm.VIFs.Count;$i++)
            $xenVM = New-XenVMInfo
            $xenVM.Name = $vm.name_label
            $xenVM.PowerState = $vm.power_state
            $xenVM.UUID = $vm.uuid
            $xenVM.HOSTNAME = (Get-XenHost -ref $vm.resident_on).hostname
            $xenVM.Description = $vm.name_description


best regards



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