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RfwebUI - Hide Favorites Tab

Marco Zimmermann

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.. also I experience these issues:


  1. When I hit F5 to refresh site loading screen appears, after that I receive an error:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /logon/LogonPoint/login.aspx was not found on this server.

    This issue also happens sometimes when I hit browsers "back".
    No way out here.
  2. Sometimes site is in a loading-screen-cycle. Refreshing every second. Only can fix this adding /cgi/logout to URL and log in again.

Is anyone using RFweb in production?

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  • 4 months later...

Same issue here when I refresh the page after logon. It seems to be related to the browser language and the RfWebUI theme.


My browser language is in "French" and when I switch it to English, I'm not redirected to the "login.aspx" page.


So, when you logon with a web browser in Clientless mode with the RfWebUI, after logon, you can see the apps but after a refresh or pressing the back button, you got a redirect to a page "login.aspx"


Note that only happen when you configure a Web Interface URL in the NS GW session profile.


NetScaler build and 52.13


I see other issue related to language other then English with nFactor/AAA, the main logon page doesn't load (it spin and just not shown). 


Some QA testing missing on Citrix side.


Maybe open a support case but I think these issue will be fixed in NetScaler 12.x

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  • 10 months later...

Hi @Sam Jacobs

coming back to you with this old thread :)

I got a user which got only permissions to RDPproxy-Desktops. So no App-Tab.

When this user logs in he is always redirected to the (hidden) favorites tab.

SF setting is set to start on App-Page. For SF App Page is acutally empty so its hidden.


Is there a way to start on Desktop page or even on App page (where RDPs also are listed under Web and Saas Apps)?

When I assign a dummy url bookmark App page is displayed and all works fine.




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  • 5 months later...



anybody got a solution for this? In X1 I can disable "Show Personal Link Section" and so only the Enterprise Links are shown. 


In RfWebUI there is the same option, but after login at my NSUG I am always landing at my empty Favorites Section. No StoreFront, only using NSUG for RDP Links and Intranet Bookmarks.




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  • 4 weeks later...

So here is a long answer:


You will need a few things:


1.  Have to use a universal gateway configuration

2.  Edit the content switch policy and change the expression from is_vpn_url to is_vpn_url && HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.ENDSWITH("Home/Configuration").NOT

3.  Add responder action and policy.  This example sets the default view to "desktops"

add responder action res_act_configuration2 respondwith "\"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r\\n\" + \n\"Cache-Control: private, max-age=0\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\nContent-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8\\r\\n\\r\\n\" + \n\"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"?><clientSettings><session timeout=\\\"20\\\" userLanguages=\\\"en-us\\\" />\" + \n\"<authManager loginURL=\\\"/p/u/getAuthenticationRequirements.do\\\" getUsernameURL=\\\"Authentication/GetUserName\\\" logoffURL=\\\"Authentication/LogOff\\\" changeCredentialsURL=\\\"/p/a/getCredentialUpdateRequirements.do\\\" loginFormTimeout=\\\"50\\\" />\" + \n\"<storeProxy keepAliveURL=\\\"Home/KeepAlive\\\"><resourcesProxy listURL=\\\"Resources/List\\\"\tresourceDetails=\\\"default\\\" />\" + \n\"<sessionsProxy listAvailableURL=\\\"Sessions/ListAvailable\\\" disconnectURL=\\\"Sessions/Disconnect\\\" logoffURL=\\\"Sessions/LogOff\\\" />\" + \n\"<clientAssistantProxy getDetectionTicketURL=\\\"ClientAssistant/GetDetectionTicket\\\" getDetectionStatusURL=\\\"ClientAssistant/GetDetectionStatus\\\" /></storeProxy>\" + \n\"<pluginAssistant enabled=\\\"true\\\" upgradeAtLogin=\\\"false\\\" showAfterLogin=\\\"true\\\" showOnlyIfRequiredByApps=\\\"true\\\">\" + \n\"<win32 path=\\\"http://downloadplugins.citrix.com.edgesuite.net/Windows/CitrixReceiverWeb.exe\\\" />\" + \n\"<macOS path=\\\"http://downloadplugins.citrix.com/Mac/CitrixReceiverWeb.dmg\\\" minimumSupportedOSVersion=\\\"10.6\\\" />\" + \n\"<html5 enabled=\\\"Fallback\\\" platforms=\\\"Firefox;Chrome;Version/([6-9]|\\\\d\\\\d).*Safari;MSIE \\\\d\\\\d;Trident/([6-9]|\\\\d\\\\d);Android;iPad;iPhone;iPod;\\\"\" + \n\" launchURL=\\\"clients/HTML5Client/src/SessionWindow.html\\\" chromeAppOrigins=\\\"chrome-extension://haiffjcadagjlijoggckpgfnoeiflnem|chrome-extension://lbfgjakkeeccemhonnolnmglmfmccaag\\\" chromeAppPreferences=\\\"\\\" />\" + \n\"<protocolHandler enabled=\\\"true\\\" platforms=\\\"(Macintosh|Windows NT).*((Firefox/((5[2-9]|[6789][0-9])|\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d))|Chrome/((4[2-9]|[56789][0-9])|\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d))(?!.*Edge)\\\"\" + \n\" skipDoubleHopCheckWhenDisabled=\\\"false\\\" /></pluginAssistant><userInterface frameOptions=\\\"deny\\\" autoLaunchDesktop=\\\"false\\\">\" + \n\"<workspaceControl enabled=\\\"false\\\" autoReconnectAtLogon=\\\"false\\\" logoffAction=\\\"disconnect\\\" showReconnectButton=\\\"true\\\" showDisconnectButton=\\\"true\\\" />\" + \n\"<uiViews showDesktopsView=\\\"true\\\" showAppsView=\\\"true\\\" defaultView=\\\"desktops\\\" />\" + \"<receiverConfiguration enabled=\\\"false\\\" showOnlyIfRequiredByApps=\\\"true\\\" downloadURL=\\\"ServiceRecord/GetDocument/receiverconfig.cr\\\" />\" + \"<appShortcuts enabled=\\\"false\\\" allowSessionReconnect=\\\"false\\\" /></userInterface>\" + \"<plugins><plugin name=\\\"nsg-epa\\\" src=\\\"plugins/ns-gateway/nsg-epa.js\\\" /><plugin name=\\\"nsg-setclient\\\" src=\\\"plugins/ns-gateway/nsg-setclient.js\\\" />\" + \"<plugin name=\\\"ns-nfactor\\\" src=\\\"plugins/ns-gateway/ns-nfactor.js\\\" /></plugins></clientSettings>\""

add responder policy res_pol_configuration "HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH.ENDSWITH(\"Home/Configuration\")" res_act_configuration2

4.  Bind the responder policy to your content switch vserver

5.  In your theme directory (/var/netscaler/logon/themes/{Theme Name}/) edit the script.js file and add the following:

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
  mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
     document.getElementById('myAppsBtn').style.display = 'none';

var target = document.getElementById("home-screen");
observer.observe(target, { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'] });


If anyone has found a shorter way to do it, happy to hear about it.



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  • 2 years later...

Hi all

this is an old case here but i'm kind of stuck here as well with a Netscaler 13.0-71.44. With the steps above i'm able to Hide the Favorites Tab, but the content is still not from the Desktops-Landing page, it is from the Favorites-Landing page.


I've configured the Responder Action & Policy and bounded it to the CS of the UG. Also i modified the file script.js like mentioned.


Does anybody having the same issue with a current release or is there in the meantime a shorter way to configure it?


Many thanks for your help


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all

if anybody is searching for the same, in firmware 13.0-71.44 you can change this behavior following:


•    Add a custom portal theme based on RfWebUI (if not done already)

     add vpn portalTheme cust_rf -baseTheme RfWebUI


•    Edit the custom theme config to change default view to desktops. 

In /var/netscaler/logon/themes/cust_rf/plugins.xml, replace  defaultView="apps" to with  defaultView="desktops" 


•    Bind the new custom portal theme to vpn vserver. (f not done already)

bind vpn vserver <vpnvs> -portalTheme cust_rf


Best regards,



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